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How to Lay Cool Roof Tiles

how to lay cool roof tiles
Terrace Tiles in chennai

STEP-1 :

Surface Preparation to receive Waterproof Coating on top of RCC
1. Preparation of surface:
All loose mortars, dust, fungus and foreign matters will be removed and thoroughly water washed to receive the treatment.
2. If required - Bore Sleeve repairing :
To make “V” groove the borepacking sleeve to the required depth & width of minimum 40mm wherever required and pack the same using high cement mortor 1:4 mixing with Polymer Modified Cementitious Repair Mortar and compact with trowel for a smooth finish and allow to self dry for minimum 5hours interval.
3. If requried - Repairing the cracks and undulation on the surface:
Cut opening the visible crack & Fill the gap using cementitous micro concrete by adding 7 liters of water per 50 Kg of Marvel Microtight materials, poured uniformly and compacted to the surface slowly without air bubbles. Cure this treatment immediately after the setting time of 12 hours.
4. Corner Treatment:
To mix and apply one coat of MARVEL SUPER SHIELD – Elastomeric polymer Waterproofing Compound on corner area @ the proportion of 1:1:1 (1 part Marvel Super Shield Polymer: 1 part cement: 1 part water) and Rounding out the corners with high rich cement mortar 1:3 (1 Part of cement: 3 Parts of fine sand) mixed with Marvel Super shield - waterproofing compound (or) latex at 250ml/ 50kg bag of cement used and allow it to dry.
Terrace Tiles in chennai

STEP-2 :

Proper Waterproof coating
(Call us for professional and pioneer waterproofing service in chennai @ +91- 8056 345 678)
Applying 2 Coats of Elastomeric Waterproofing component DRYDECK @ the proportion of 1:3 (1 part Binder : 3 part Powder) applying @ the coverage rate of 0.5Kg/m2 at SSD condition on top of Reinforcement 30 GSM Mesh and allowing this treatment to dry for minimum 48 hours. The installation of INSULLA – cooling roof tiles should then begin once the rainwater drainage pipes have been properly sealed and proper gradient sloping concrete, water has been kept in the terrace for at least 5 to 7 days with a depth of 3 to 4 inches. The waterproof coating protects the terrace from water seepage as a secondary protection.
Terrace Tiles in chennai


Gradient Sloping concrete for rainwater draining (PCC):
After waterproofing coating and ensuring that there is no leakage, Gradient Sloping concrete (PCC) should be laid with sloping marks for rainwater drainage @ the ratio of 1:2:4 (1 part Cement, 2 parts Sand or M-Sand, 4 parts Baby Chips (8mm or 12mm Blue Metal Chips) @ the average thickness of 60mm and allow to dry and curing minimum 4-7 days).


Instruction For Preparing Base Mortar
Prepare base mortar with cement and sand in the ratio of 1:4. ·The total mortar thickness should not be more than 20mm. Set the levels for the floor ie., dead level or slope as specified. ·Prepare cement slurry with cement and water to form a thick paste and spread it on the levelled base mortar.
Terrace Tiles in chennai

STEP-5 :

Instruction For Laying INSULLA-LITE Roof Insulation Tiles:
For INSULLA-LITE Tiles laying, set the right angles for the area and place the first tile along the right angle line on base mortar. Tap gently with a with a rubber mallet to get perfect level.
Wet the rearside of the tile with water (Complete immersion of tile is not necessary).
Laying the INSULLA- Cool Roof Tiles by providing 5-6mm uniform spacing between the tiles using 5-6mm tile spacer. Use break joint method for laying INSULLA – Cool Roof Tiles.
After laying, immediately clean the surface of tiles with clean, wet sponge. Ensure that the base mortar cement which squeezes through joints does not settle on the tile.
Terrace Tiles in chennai


Laying INSULLA-LITE Tile in Skirting Areas
·To groove the skirting tile laying areas
·Use INSULLA-LITE Tiles for the skirting purpose by cut to the required size using Dry Cutter.
0 ·To fix up skirting tiles @ 45 to tuck up the top edges on to the parapet walls and immediately clean the surface of tiles with clean, wet sponge.
Terrace Tiles in chennai

STEP-7 :

Grouting INSULLA-LITE Tile Joints Using Fill-O-Grout -Tile Joint Grout

1. Take 25kgs of Fill-O-Grout - Tile Joint Grout and 6-7Ltrs if Potable Water.

2. Pour 25kgs of Fill-O-Grout - Tile Joint Grout (Covers 200-225 Sq.ft Approx) in 6-7Ltrs if Potable Water and mix it well

3. Stir it well to bring creamy consistency.

4. Pour the Grout on Tiles by holding a hard-edged rubber grout float at a 30-degree angle, spread the material in sweeping arcs, pressing it into the joints to fill them completely..

5. Remove excess grout by hold the grout float at a 90-degree angle and sweep it diagonally across the tiles to remove any excess grout.

6. Wait for few minutes while the grout begins to harden. Wipe the tiles in a circular motion with a damp sponge, taking care not to drag out any of the grout from the corners of the tiles.

7. Once the grout has hardened, the tiles will be left with a slight haze on them. Clean it up by going over the area lightly with a damp cloth, then buff immediately with a dry cloth.


It is important to unload and stack the INSULLA – Cool Roof Tiles in a vertical manner to avoid unwanted damages to the tiles.


The following have to be completed prior to commencing laying of INSULLA - Tiles.

  • Final painting of ceiling in rooms
  • Two coats of wall painting in all rooms (the final painting should be done only after laying of floor tiles)
  • Wiring and fixing of all electrical components to be completed
  • Plumbing work to be completed
  • Fixing of grills for windows
  • Fixing and polishing of windows/window frames/door frames and doors to be completed
  • Fixing of all and platform slabs to be completed

If Mosaic/ Marbles/ anyother natural stone which needs machining or polishing is being done in any part of the roof, it is necessary that this work is completed before commencing the laying of INSULLA - Tiles.

If all the above precautions are taken and instructions are followed, INSULLA – Cool Roof Tiles will give you decades of trouble free service.

Watch our Laying Video of INSULLA – Cool Roof Tiles

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